Saint Matthew’s Reformed Episcopal Church practices a Christian faith that is:
'The Reformed Episcopal Church, holding ‘the faith once delivered unto the saints’, declares its belief in:
the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the Word of God, and the sole Rule of Faith and Practice;
the Creed ‘commonly called the Apostles’ Creed‘;
the Divine institution of the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; and
the doctrines of grace substantially as they are set forth in the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion.” (Pr. I)
We recognize the Threefold Orders (Diaconate, Presbyterate, and Episcopacy), “…not as of Divine right, but as a very ancient and desirable form of Church polity.” (Pr. II)
“This Church, retaining a Liturgy which shall not be imperative or repressive of freedom in prayer, accepts The Book of Common Prayer as it was revised, proposed and recommended for use by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, A.D. 1785, reserving full liberty to alter, abridge, enlarge, and amend the same, as may seem most conducive to the edification of the people, ‘provided that the substance of the faith be kept entire’.” (Pr. III)
(From the Declaration of Principles of the Reformed Episcopal Church, adopted December 2, 1873)
The Anglican “statement of faith” – the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion