Senior Warden
Craig Keller

Greg Wright
Vestry, Wardens, Parish Council​
The Vestry is comprised of lay-members of the parish who are elected to serve a 3-year term. The Vestry is responsible for the financial and material oversight of the parish. Members of the Vestry are to be mature Christians, who understand and embrace the mission and vision of the parish and are prepared to assist the Rector in accomplishing the same. Members of the Vestry are expected to give generously of their time, talent, and treasure to support and advance the work of the parish. The Vestry meets as needed, with at least two regular meetings per year and others as necessary.
Two Wardens are elected annually (to serve a 1-year term) by the congregation:
The Rector’s Warden is responsible to represent the interests of the Rector (and his family) to the Vestry and congregation, to chair the Vestry in the absence of the Rector, and to provide for the worship and administration of the parish in the Rector’s absence (in the event of a vacancy).
The Junior Warden is responsible to represent the concerns of parishioners to the Rector and the Vestry. The Junior Warden also has the primary role in overseeing the finances and property of the parish as Treasurer.
The Parish Council is comprised of the Rector and the two Wardens. Others may be appointed for a 1-year term. The role of the Parish Council is to assist the Rector in serious pastoral matters such as the implementation of church discipline. The Parish Council is responsible to oversee the parish register.