Sunday school:
Sunday School classes follow worship, from 11:30am to 12:30pm (except July and August)
– Nursery (aged 1-3) as needed
– Junior (aged 4-6)
– Primary (aged 7-10)
– Pre-teen (aged 11-14) – sometimes a confirmation class
– Adult:
The Adult Class is currently watching and discussing a DVD video series on Hebrew Culture and Philosophy by Dr George Grant of Kings Meadow Study Center.
Before the pandemic the class was watching and discussing a DVD video series on early Mid-Eastern cultures and Philosophies by Dr. Grant.
In the spring of 2018 the class studied The Bible In 90 Days.
In 2017 the class studied Genesis and Creation with a DVD video series by Answers in Genesis.
If you are interested in joining or assisting contact Rev. Rod.
Bible Studies:
Bible study groups are active online and in different member's homes. Contact Rev. Justin for a description and assistance finding one near you.
Fun Nite kids group:
FunNite is a monthly gathering of kids from 5-12 at the church on Friday night. Contact Rev. Justin.
Young Adults group:
Young Adults Group is a monthly gathering of older teens. Contact Rev. Justin.
Women's Book & Tea club:
The Womens Book Tea is a monthly gathering to discuss a book. Contact Rev. Justin's wife Tonya.
Whosoever Gospel Mission:
When permitted, we try to send a group to assist Whosoever Gospel Mission in Philadlephia.
St. Matthew's Day Care: www.stmatthewsdaycare.org